Monday, September 19, 2011

Three Daughters

*There was a father who was very proud of his three daughters. *
*Every night he took a stroll around the house to make sure everything was
all right. *
*One night when he was doing his stroll, he could hear laughter coming from
youngest daughter's room. He stood there for a while and thought about this,
*but decided that he could always ask her tomorrow, instead of bothering
her at this time of the night. *
*When he reached the window of his second daughter, he could hear her
crying. *
*He thought about this too, but ultimately he decided to ask her tomorrow
and continued. *
*There were no sounds at all coming from his oldest daughter's room, *
*and he then went to bed, satisfied.*

*The next day, when they all were gathered around the breakfast table, *
*he said to his youngest daughter "I heard you laughing last night, *
*as I walked past your window. Why was that?"
She answered "That's because you taught me to laugh when someone was making
me happy..."
He then asked his second daughter "I heard you crying last night, why was
She answered "That's because you taught me to cry when someone was hurting
He then told his oldest daughter "I didn't hear anything from you..."
She said "That's because you taught me not to talk with my mouth full..."*

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