Friday, March 25, 2011

Last Request

Pat was lying on his deathbed, moaning and carrying on. "Mike," he says,
"I know I'm a goner."*
*"Oh, Paddy, have faith, ye still have years ahead UV yuh."*
*"No, Mick, I'm finished, an' you've been such a great friend; there's one
thing I'd like yuh to do when I'm gone."*
*"Ahh, Paddy, I'll do anything you ask, I swear it to the Saints and the
Holy Mother." *
*"Well, Dear Friend, I have been saving a jug of fine whiskey that my
brother sent me from Dublin some eight years ago, and I would like you to
pour it on me grave when I'm buried." *
*Mike sits silently for a long time and Pat asks again, "Will you do that
for yer oldest friend, Mike?"*
*Mike draws a big breath and says, "Ye know I will Pat, but would ye mind if
I filter it through me kidneys first?"*

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